To develop the ideas, the technical department of MV, consists of three engineers for the design of CAD / CAM 3-D and a technician officer of at the center of CNC 5-axis milling numeric control.
The 3-D CAD software allow to: modeling the various design solutions, studying shapes and colors, enhance the water lines of the hull, evaluate hydrostatic and hydrodynamic parameters, check the ergonomics of every detail of construction, optimize space, check interaction with human beings, engineer production processes, evaluate during the project step the design of suitable materials and their use, to simulate the assembly of the various elements, use at most the benefits derived from new construction techniques.
After giving form to ideas, with the CAD, the second step is the materialization of the CAM in a virtual environment, through the milling center, running the models with a precision of a hundredth of a millimeter.
Here is that the foundations were laid for the reduction of weights, of powders, of processing times and quality of the R.I.B. (RIGID INFLATABLE BOATS). Thanks to this design methodology are used in a large scale the structures in sandwich, the cores are designed and milled on site.
The sandwich structures, laminated in infusion system, have high mechanical properties and reduced weight, the video shows the impact test, performed on different plates, 6 mm aluminum, in 12mm fiberglass, and 20 mm wood, compared with a laminated sandwich, with external layers of only 3 mm and a 20mm PVC foam core, as used in our hulls. The results are surprising, all monolithic samples are broken, with the exception of the sandwich, which absorbs the impact without suffering any drilling.
The vacuum sandwich structures allow to eliminate the structural frame, with a reduction of weight, up to 30%, to reduce the VOC (Volatile organic compounds) during processing, to break down the dust of abrasion, for the absence of the internal frame, to improve the quality of work and to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
These techniques well used, reduce the processing time and further increase the safety for the sinking.